Weight Loss Hypnosis Perth
Hello Sonja
Thank you for another comprehensive session on Saturday. Lots to ponder from our discussions.
Yes the weight loss of 16 kg in 9 weeks is amazing and I am really so pleased. But as I have said it is
definitely secondary to the overwhelming relief of not having the sugar/savoury cravings that had overtaken me.
I cannot really express how grateful I am for these outcomes.
And for your ongoing compassion and willingness to work through my associated issues.
Your generosity of your expertise and time has been such a huge gift to me.
And the fact that you give me so much of it during our sessions is a wonderful blessing that I do sincerely appreciate.
Many thanks for all your givingingness.
Not sure that is a word, but if not, it certainly should be.
Have a special week Sonja
Best wishes
Elisabeth G.
Hi Sonja,
It was lovely to meet you too
I have done all my 'homework' and it is going really well so far :-)
The biggest change has been rather than as with other weight reduction programmes where I have woken up each morning dreading another day of deprivation, I am waking up feeling none of that. Just optimistic and really not thinking about food a great deal. Eating plenty of salads and very small portions of other foods.
No cravings, no unhealthy food, very little hunger. I have lost 2 kg since Thursday! (6 days ago) I'll weigh myself again at the end of the week. Thank you for helping me
Best regards
I went to see Sonja with the idea that she could help me to lose weight. Like so many other people I have been struggling with my weight for a very long time. Yoyo dieter. I had searched the internet for ways that could help me to lose weight. I was drawn to Sonja’s website right away and I felt that I had found the thing that I had been looking for. Being the sort of person that doesn’t do well after surgeries I was not interested in going under the knife again and wanted to find something else that might work.
Well when I made my first appointment and then first met Sonja I knew I was in the right place and was going on a journey that was going to be more than just weight loss. I connected with her as soon as I met her and felt very relaxed and happy to be with her. After the first session I felt incredible. I was feeling better than I had for a very long time. The voices in my head had gone and I could see the world in a different way. I found it very easy to go away and do the things that she was asking me to do (which I was more than happy to do as they were easy and made me feel great every day).
As the sessions went on I looked forward to seeing her and talking to her about the way I was feeling and my life was changing. This was not a quick fix solution this was an amazing journey about discovering my body and really learning to listen to it and take heed of what it was saying. By the last session I was sad to be saying good bye to her and knew that everything that I had learnt was a normal part of my life now and I will always know that she is there if I ever feel the need to have another session.
I could not put in writing the words that I feel about the way in which Sonja has helped me but I can say that if you are looking for someone whom can help you on a life changing experience that you can trust and feel very comfortable with and know that you are in very good hands, you can stop looking because you have found her. She is an amazing person and is very good at what she is doing and as I said before you will never regret making the choice to change your life forever while losing weight at the same time.
Gina D-Hillary's
Hi Sonja,
I’m so glad I came to see you!! The sessions have been about so much than just the hypnosis alone.
You’re an excellent listener and our conversations have been very valuable to me. I felt you understand my overall situation and how it affects my eating habits. The hypnosis CD’s are great to listen to.
Because of your suggestions I have changed my diet significantly and have lost over 5 kilos already. I’m back at the gym and I am making other changes to my life as well. The whole experience has been a great eye opener and I feel I’m now heading in the right direction. Thank you very much Sonja.
Birgit W-Karawarra
Hi Sonja,
I'm feeling GREAT!! I haven't touched cheese or chocolate once!! Or any other type of 'junk food' - the thought of it makes me sick!! Andy also has changed his preference to food, just because that's what I've been doing!! We both look and feel great! I am now down to 52kg and people have all commented on how toned & trim I'm looking, even the nice lady at the newsagent told me I look like I've lost weight! I'm wearing clothes that I never thought I could wear & so is Andy!! & I have that energy you were telling me about too, I sing all day at work - they all think I'm nuts but I'm just happy because I'm full of nutrition & I've been loving all this exercise too!!
Thank you so much - you have made me understand the importance of nutrition.
Thanks again,
Marcelle S-South Perth
I am so pleased I came to see you, Sonja, to lose weight using hypnosis because as it has changed my eating patterns, I'm not hungry all the time. I went to the butcher last week and the cooked pork crackling , which you know how much I loved has lost its appeal. I am now only eating 3 times a day and it's no struggle. I have lost the 20kgs and feel fantastic. I've bought a bike and am riding 10kms a day, I am also feeling really fit and am back playing footy again.
Kevin F-Bullsbrook
Hi Sonja
I seriously do not know where to begin! It has been a good three to four months since my first session, and unlike any fad diet or 'quick fix,' the effects of your hypnosis sessions have withstood the test of time! Your sessions have changed not only my eating habits, but my entire perspective on how to eat and choosing foods that will improve my mind, body and soul.
The majority of my past unhealthy food choices were made by seeking emotional comfort and I grew dependent on these choices to escape any emotional turbulence I had encountered (gaining weight was one of these moments of unhappiness - a very vicious cycle, indeed). However, now I know that I have complete control over what I eat and unhealthy food is not the sanctuary I believed it was. I no longer depend on unhealthy food to comfort me and I now make healthier choices to sharpen my mind and make me feel on top of my game.
Prior to your hypnosis sessions; I found healthier choices mundane and could never imagine life without chocolate. I was pleasantly surprised that from the first session; my taste had changed! I was more aware of the flavours in healthy foods and unhealthy foods lost all their appeal. I now find eating fruit and vegetables a pleasure to eat and all my previous cravings for chocolate, fried chicken, ice cream and McDonald's cheeseburgers (I'm feeling sick just writing these) absolutely unappetising and sickening. I decided to test myself one day by eating two m&m's (oh, how I loved shovelling a bag of those in my mouth, previously) and I actually had the worst aftertaste and I felt physically ill; so not only is it my choice to not eat unhealthy foods, I would never find pleasure in them even if I chose to do so.
After all my results visible on the scale, the reducing size of my body and compliments from people; I can say these sessions have changed my life. I was feeling lifeless and stuck in a constant cycle of food dependency but now; I feel confident, bright and absolutely amazing! It has been an awesome time of self discovery and also an amazing experience discovering the hidden gems Perth has that cater for a healthier lifestyle! With everything you have taught me; I know how to identify foods that will make me feel good! And I am ecstatic for my move to Melbourne to discover their clean, healthy food options!
Thank you so much! This has been a life changer!
P.S. NO chocolate was eaten this Easter! :)
Marcus P-Perth
Through Sonja's sessions I have learnt to change my eating habits and relationships with food. Her advice is practical and easy to integrate into daily life, making this therapy more like a change in lifestyle rather than a hard rigorous task to follow and maintain.
She's also wonderful to talk to and makes me feel at ease. She's so friendly and is herself, a wonderful advertisement that hypnotherapy works.
For the first time I feel hopeful for the future and know that if I keep up with my new lifestyle, I will get the goal size and weight that I want and truly deserve
Aurelia T-South Perth
I now feel organised and in control of my diet. No longer dependent on chocolate, coke and bourbon! Finding time easily to complete 20 minutes of steps everyday and finally feeling at ease with myself.
Nicole G-Henley Brook
Finally my addiction to diet coke is over. Just wanted to say that after 1 week of being on the programme, I opened a can of diet coke and took 2 sips. I didn't like the taste and it was too gassy, so I tipped it down the sink and haven't had the desire for any since. Also I haven't bought any chocolate or snack foods when I went out food shopping. Just wanted to say that I have started walking every day, It feels so normal to be doing exercise again.
Thanks Sonja the programme has been so easy for me
Stacey R-Atwell
I've totally lost interest in chocolate and no longer crave snacks like chips and chocolates. When ordering food at cafes and restaurants, I instinctively choose more healthy dishes because I see them as more appetising and tasty than my usual bad choices. I am even happy to pick vegetarian options when normally I would never think to do so. I now frequently think about how I can better supplement my nutritional intake, seeking out organic, natural and health giving ingredients where before, I never did at all.
Lastly, I'm more eager to do exercise on a daily basis instead of being a couch potato. I know not to go overboard but to stick to light, fun and social exercises that will aid my weightloss.
Averil T-Singapore
Wow just wanted to say I've had no desire for coffee since I started. Am losing interest in bread (can you believe it). My food choices are so much better now, Thanks
Sally C-Beckenham
What a great programme, I lost 10kgs in the first 3 weeks. I no longer suffer from hunger pains and compulsive thoughts about food. I'm happily working out twice a day. I am now no longer a "Muzz Buzz "coffee fanatic.
Bill R-Roleystone
In the last 2 weeks since I started I no longer have any milk coffee, hot milo's and no takeaway's (was eating it every night), no puddings, no subway, no hot chips, no dark chocolate. I have bought the Zumba DVD's and I am thinking about a bike ( never ridden a bike but would like to try). I didn't realise that this had all happened until I was thinking about it before coming to my second appointment. It's so good to be cooking my own food again and I feel so much better in myself.
Deb N-Gosnells